Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Three words in the New Testament that embrace trouble.

Tribulation, suffering and affliction.

They differ somewhat, and yet, practically, each of them means trouble of some kind. Our Lord gave His disciples warning that they might expect tribulation in this world, that they could not hope to escape it, and that they would not be carried through this life on flowery beds of ease. How hard to learn this plain and patent lesson!

"In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world" ~John16:33

There is the encouragement for believers.

As He had overcome the world and it's tribulations, so might they be able to do the same.

Paul also taught this lesson as throughout his ministry as he confirmed souls of the children of God and exhorted them to continue in their faith. He told them,

"we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" ~Acts14:22

Paul knew this firsthand as his journey was anything but smooth and easy. He uses the word sufferings to describe the troubles he had experienced in Romans 8:18.

"For I reckon(or consider) that the sufferings of the present time
 are not worthy to be compared with the glory
which will be revealed in us"

What an encouragement that must have been for Paul's sufferings, but what about the suffering of others who he had brought to their faith in Jesus Christ?

Paul talks about troubles of the children of God in his letter to the Corinthians.

"For our light affliction, which is for a moment,
works for us an far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"
2Corinthians 4:17

So how can this apply to the time in which we live today?

The modern world in which we live in 2013 may believe that we are so much more advanced or that the experiences of the time of Paul would never be possible today. I would have to beg differently as a believer and encourage my brothers and sisters to certainly consider this type of thinking to be deceptive to the greatest degree. Although science and technology have advanced greatly, we are but a few catastrophes away from experiencing life as people did a thousand years or even two thousand years ago.

Just recently, around the world the news has spread about the vulnerability to attack of the communication and locator systems that have been placed into orbit. How far back would that put us, especially since most people only use cell phones for connecting and getting directions?

Then there is the growing threat of natural disasters according to studies. What would it mean to you and I if we experienced an earthquake like Haiti? What if there were more of the mega-storms to come as we experienced with Hurricane Sandy? How much more is our government going to be able to help with the disasters and how would people react if insurance companies weren't able to pay for damages or just went bankrupt?

How did people survive in Paul's day anyways?

Just how many days would it take to go back to the days of Paul? If there is ever this time when we loose the conveniences of today and people lose the comforts of their homes, there is going to be a major outbreak of anger, stress and fear. People have depended on technology for their safety and security for so long that it will be a time of great desolation for many. Why must I remind myself and you about this possibility? Why not just write devotions about thoughts of peace, love and harmony and happiness today?

Because it is within the conditioned heart of believers that peace, love and harmony are found with the dispensation of the providence of God and His divine will for their individual life and situation. Yes, we can, and we will, find wisdom when we come to realized that through those troubled times a person's spirit will either rebel or turn to his maker and Savior, Jesus Christ for strength and healing.

How are people in America suffering?

When I thought about this, it reminded me of the suffering that has already taken place in the lives of so many as a result of attacks especially in the past 15 years in America through bombings, airplane hi-jacks, shootings, abductions, murders and the loss of life and property through what we call natural disasters. I don't believe they are very natural, but we have been through rare flooding, hurricanes, tidal waves, oil spills, earthquakes, wild fires, record tornado hits and devastation. On top of all this, we have experienced sickness like never before and the concern that antibiotics are not working. Who really knows of the effect that the nuclear waste released by Japan over a year ago will have on the entire world through food and air qualities.

Are we really that advanced to say that the writings of Paul wouldn't apply to our day? I think not and as the day of our Lord's return approaches, we can rest assured that God will use the troubles of this world to bring men, women and young people to His throne, not to punish them, but to draw them near in prayer, so that they too can say in time of trouble, as the apostle Paul said,

"know that tribulation works patience and patience, experience
and experience, hope: a hope that does not leave us ashamed;
because the love of God is shed abroad (put into circulation) in our hearts
by the Holy Ghost which is given to us" ~Romans5:3

This brings the world into a state of grace where troubles are not only endured,
but where we can find under that tribulation a spirit of rejoicing.
These are the gracious benefits of justification!

What rich fruit can result from even painful tribulations!
May the peace of God be with you and your family today!

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