Saturday, January 26, 2013


Who likes their drink at room temperature? Blah!

Most of us order drinks hot or cold, but not room temperature, right?

Before I started my morning study, I followed the aroma into the kitchen to get my first cup of java, but the kitchen was quite cool. As I took my cup out of the cabinet I realized that my nice hot coffee might not even be warm if I placed it in this very cold cup, so I decided to fill the cup with hot water from the sink first. Within just a minute the outside of the cup felt warm and was ready to be used. Now I knew that my drink would stay warm and enjoyable.

It's kind of funny because this brought me right back to the verse that was waiting for me on my phone this morning on Daily Bible app.

"Do not labor for the food which perishes but for food that endures" in John 6:27

I thought it was quite a coincidence that my coffee could have so quickly been ruined had I not conditioned the cup first. My concern was that the vessel be properly prepared so as not to ruin the  very thing that I so desired at this moment. As a believer I have a desire to do what is right, but even greater than this, God has a desire to flow through me as a conditioned vessel for His use each day. How would that conditioning take place, I wonder? If we asked a child this question, they may have a wide variety of answers, but most adults would say that we have to ask Jesus into our hearts.

That is, as a matter of fact, what we see when I read the rest of John 6:27...

"but for the food that endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him."

Jesus, the Son of Man gives us food that endures to everlasting life and it is through the reading of His Word that this is made possible. How else would we receive this from Him?

"Labor for the food that endures to everlasting life" is what John was telling me in this passage.

Labor could also mean "Live", right?

Starting my day out by getting up a little earlier and spending time meditating on the Word of God makes all the difference in how my vessel (mind, body, spirit) gets used each day. So I'm always wanting more of that food that lasts forever; food that conditions my body for God's use. Want to be used by God? Looking for His purpose? Get in the Word and He will use you to do just that!

Live for the everlasting the Word. Selah.

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