Friday, May 14, 2010

YOUR FAITH - Part Four

"Your Faith Is Unconditional"

By Rob Bailes

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

If you put your faith in God, He has a gift of grace for you! No if's, and's or but's about it! Men may try to convince you that you must do other things in order to receive His grace, but the truth is that it only requires faith and that means that you must only believe in Him.

There are also men in this world that will try to tell you that you can't believe in something that you can't see or touch. The thing that you must remember, is that those same men who may say this, actually believe in the unseen and probably don't even realize it!

Think about this for a minute! Everytime a person walks into a room and flips the light switch on, don't they expect the light to come on? Why does the light come on? Do they think about all the wiring and the fixtures or components when they flip the switch? I don't think so!

They simply flip the switch, turn on the oven, push the start button on the microwave or turn on the radio. You may have an understanding of how the power works and how the wiring is installed, etc..., but can you actually see the electricity? If you have ever touched two wires that have it flowing through them, you know how it feels for it to flow through your body and you know that the wires are, as we put it, Alive!

Interesting that we describe the power being on as "alive" and the power being off as "dead", isn't it? You see, we understand what it feels like to have life flowing through us and we relate that to electricity flowing through the wiring. In this same way, we can relate to faith flowing through our minds and spirits which is of God called grace and the power of the Holy Spirit fills us as we walk in this faith and we are able to believe that all things are possible by God's amazing and infinite Power!

It isn't something we can see or touch, but we can see the evidence of God's power by faith, just as you can see the evidence of the electrical current that we refer to as "power", that is flowing through the fixture and producing our desired results, whether it's lighting up an emergency room and running ER equipment all night long or cooking a roast at Thanksgiving for the family or playing music during a special event.

We don't stop and think about the complexity of how power travels all across our globe, but most every country has it available to use! Did you know that the voltage that is fed into a wire, that runs through your house, changes as it flows through the wire?

The voltage, which is a measurement of the power, drops as it travels along the wire because the wire can only carry so much power and the length and size of the wire will effect the amount of power that actually makes it to your fixture. Then the different fixtures also use different amounts of electricity, so each one will need a certain amount of voltage to even run properly!

Most people probably don't know as much about about voltage drop as we know about voltage surges. A harmful voltage drop is when there is any more than a 2% drop in voltage from the time the power enters the house's wiring to the time it gets to your fixture or appliance. This can potentially damage or effect the life of your fixture or appliance. This is a fact and the problem can be solved by installing a larger wire size that's able to carry power more efficiently to the fixture.

Did you know that there were about fifteen different plugs used across the globe according to a study done in 1995. There are grounded and ungrounded plugs used in North America, South America, Japan and many Carribean Islands. The most common plug is the Europlug used in Africa, Middle East Asia and Europe. The Schuko plug is used in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Scandinavia, Portugal, Romania and Spain. Isreal has their very own unique type of plug, as do other countries as well. South Africa and India still use the Old British style plug.

You may be wondering why I have choosen to fill your minds with seemingly useless information as this, but it isn't really useless when you go to these countries and find that your electrical appliances don't work there. What I really want us to realize is this, "The electricity that flows through all of the plugs all over the world is basically the same", but the levels of voltage and the equipment is all different and this makes for a complex world full of potential problems and interuptions in our day!

We have come up with hundreds of thousands of ways to use something that we can't even see, because we have faith that it is there when we need it. If we didn't believe in it, then we wouldn't buy homes full of wiring that is set up to use this source!

So my question to you is, "Why, when we accept Christ and we say that our bodies are His dwelling place, do we not believe that His power is there?". Why should we claim that our bodies are the Temples of God and that His Holy Spirit lives in us and not use the light switch or the A/C or anything else you may wish to use in a temple?

I will be the first to admit, that in my past I have been guilty of claiming this by faith in God and then living as if I have no source of power in my life at all. You see, the power of God is flowing through us and this is why He taught His disciples that they could ask anything in His name and He would do it!

The really GREAT thing about God's power, that is available to all people, is that it doesn't require hundreds of different plugs, fuses and adaptors. It doesn't change from country to country! No matter where we go, the power is the same, but so is the requirement. All that is required is faith in God! It's as simple as really believing that the light, oven or radio is going to come on when we reach for the switch. How much more reliable is our God than the complex electrical system built by men across our globe with it's many conditions?

Our engineers may have invented the most complex systems and constantly are improving them, but they are full of conditions! Length, wire size, power surges, voltage drops, fuse sizes, plug types, grounded or not grounded, power sources, storms, wires cut and the list goes on.

You can depend on the ever flowing, infinite power of God when you pray!


As you believe by faith, you will see the evidence of things unseen in your life every day!

Words of Wisdom
Hebrew 13:20-21
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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