Monday, May 3, 2010


By Rob Bailes

But I don't have the strength to be patient!

I have heard this and I might as well admit it, this thought has gone through my mind quite a few times. The act of being patient is often considered as an option. One that we feel as though we have the freedom not to choose when people get in our way or do something that slows down our ability to get things done.

I have heard many people talk about patience and I've read many stories about how we get upset when the traffic light is stuck or the person in front of us takes too long or maybe even when a spoiled child is getting on your nerves and the parents seem to ignore it completely. It does seem as though there are many occurrences and differences that can bring us to the point of losing our cool. But these stories really seem to fade into the background when we see what some people go through in places where they are lacking food, shelter and medicine. These petty issues that deal with achievement and self satisfaction become so insignificant, as they become blurred in the photo of life, when the focus zooms in on the problems that these people face in their lives.

Yet, there is another situation that we will find, even in the focus of the lives of these people who are in such need. It is found in our homes, our work place, our marketplaces and churches. I have observed this in the ego and actions of people from all walks of life in recent days and it has caused me to become even more aware; yes, more aware of my very own ego, actions and attitude.

The situation that my mind's focus has zoomed in on, is the way that we react when someone else intentionally does something to inflict physical pain or discomfort; causes inconvenience or maybe embarrasses you; slanders your name and deceitfully uses you. I would be wrong to leave out the mistreatment by the prejudice people all around us as well. This isn't just something I have seen expressed by or against one race. I have seen it in every race in this time that we live! I can see the hate and anger in the eyes of each race clinging ever so tightly to the pain, suffering and embarrassment inflicted upon their ancestors. These feelings surface at a time when people feel the pressures of this life building within themselves.

Today, many of these pressures are dealt with in doctor's offices, pharmacies, by psychiatrists, massage, health spas and day spas, nail and tanning salons, late night comedy, pep pills, valium, tranquilizers, alcohol and all types of vacation packages. The list could go on to cover this entire page.

The amazing thing is that we always seem to find ourselves right back where we started. The memories are still there! The pain hasn't gone away! The hate, anger and racial feelings are still raging beneath the surface, just waiting for someone to push the button and then, "BAM!!!". We let it go with a flurry of words or threats; maybe even a shove or punch. Sometimes people are killed or seriously wounded in the explosion of hatred and anger. What would have happened if everyone exercised patience instead of losing control and lashing out?

I am guilty. There have been times when I have put up a boundary and in my mind, dared someone to cross it, or else! Yes, as hard as I have tried to maintain my cool in times of pressure, I have to admit that I have failed!

I'm a really laid back kind of person too, so you know it really shocked those who were there to witness it! Being in a top level management position for a large corporation didn't help me either!

There were some who avoided me whenever they saw me coming after this outburst. You probably would have done the same though, if someone had come into your office and covered everything with concrete dust, crust and wet concrete slurry from where they had cut a hole in the wall of my office. They were even standing on paperwork and drawings laying on top of my desk! How could, I'll not go any further with this story, but you got the picture?

The fact is that I blew it! I lost my reputation, but more importantly, I lost my testimony. There were some men who had waited for this day, so they could remind me of it for months to come and the fact that I had lost control and acted like the devil for just a few minutes of my life. Yes, satan knew I had blown it, but God knew too; God knew it would be a lesson that I wouldn't ever forget!

You have read and heard about the rages people go into when little things slow us down and we do feel some guilt over this, but the deliberate attacks against us are not often spoken of when we look into the practice of being patient.
It was Daniel that first caused me to take a second look at the way we should act under pressure. It says nowhere that Daniel resisted or even argued with the King or his council when he was condemned to be fed to the lions. The King had hoped that Daniel's God would protect him from the lions! As a matter of fact, Daniel had such a high reputation with the King that the King even stayed up all night without eating and prayed for Daniel!
You see, the King had been tricked by his own council, but he had faith in the God of Daniel that night because of Daniel's testimony. Daniel had a chance the night he was condemned; a chance to prove God right or to blow it by resisting and flying into a rage before the King. Daniel made the choice to prove God right! The next morning as the King went back to the lion's den, he called out to Daniel and asked him if his God had spared him. That's the King's hope and trust that had developed over time in the God of Daniel and in prayer on his knees all night long. The King had been watching Daniel and he knew that his faith in his God was real, that Daniel prayed to the true God of all the world.

Daniel answered the King, "The angels have closed the mouths of the lions" and the King demanded that he be turned loose and that the men who accused him to be thrown into the lion's den. I wish I had shone such patience and had kept my testimony that day, because it didn't take long for others to approach me and ask if it was true, "Did you really yell at those guys and run them out of the building?". All I could do was admit it and say that I was sorry, but it was too late. "How can I keep this from happening again?", I had asked myself over and over. It isn't something that we do on our own, as I found myself more and more aware of my feelings and those around me, the more I searched for an answer so I too could react as Daniel did that night long ago.

As I began to read the passages of the New Testament, I found many times the mention of pain and suffering, but it was accompanied by praise and worship. I thought, "How can this be possible?" I'm just a human being with flesh and blood flowing thru my veins! The more I read though, I found that the apostles had such a close relationship with God that they knew when they were mistreated or falsely accused that it would be because of thier love for God. You know that satan really hates that! They had such closeness and so much communion with God that they had realized that the world and it's egos and attitudes would soon enough find them and intentionally hurt them. You see, it is with this realization that they were prepared when those times came and someone pushed their buttons! Let's take a quick look at a couple of verses, written in the book of Galatians, by Paul,

Galatians 5:22,23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance
: against such there is no law.

The fruit of the Spirit is what we produce when our tree is ready to bear fruit. Our tree represents our person and our spirit and it is through proper spiritual growth that a tree is prepared to produce good fruit. We all know that the fruit doesn't just come out over night or even in the first few years of a tree's growth.

Do you think that there is a reason for this example being used by Paul in this teaching about the fruit of the Spirit? You see, the Spirit refers us to the Spirit of God and it is our choice to live our lives each day, not by our power and understanding, but by the power and understanding of the Spirit of God and then we will walk in the Spirit! We will not walk in the flesh, in the ego, in the attitude, in the pain and suffering our ancestors, in the raging hatred of those who have wronged us!

But rather, in love, joy, peace, longsuffering(patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

It is your choice, but as you read these final words written by Paul, I pray that you will allow them sink into your heart and mind and take seed.

Let a new growth begin!

I pray that the "fruit of the Spirit" will grow in your minds, your hearts, your lives!

Galatians 5:24-26
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.(Having matured spiritually beyond our fleshly pride)
25 If we live in the Spirit(Believe), let us also walk in the Spirit. (Actions)
26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory(ego), provoking one another (with an attitude), envying one another.(Being selfish minded)

Let's take one last look at what Luke wrote about those who would intentionally wrong you!

Luke 6:35-37
35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

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