Friday, April 9, 2010


Written by Rob Bailes

"Love One Another"

When I was in my late teens in high school I remember a time when I was doing some things around my friends that I knew my father wouldn't have approved of and some of that was even just being associated with people who got into trouble. I didn't really think it was all that bad, but I realized something really important my senior year around graduation time. I realized that I couldn't communicate very well with my father! I had been doing my own things, making choices that were not according to what he had told my brothers and I to do. I wasn't living by his direction.

It was time to get wisdom and experience from my father because I needed it! I was going into a new phase of life! Not only did I need advice; I needed things to get started on my own. I was leaving for college in the fall and there were allot of things to get and decisions to make.

Well, guess what happened? I tried to do it on my own! I decided that I would just get it all done myself and I didn't need my fathers help. Why did I feel that way? That brings me to my point! I had decided do it on my own because I didn't want to admit that I had done anything wrong or against my fathers will. I didn't want to face my father because I knew that he wasn't pleased with my choices; although he gave me enough independence to make them.

I knew that my father was not going to be able to bless me if I wasn't following his guidelines. I was too ashamed of some of the mistakes I had made to face him.

If you have kids, you know exactly what I am saying; but I'm not talking about the kids today. I'm talking about us adults who need things right now! I'm talking about grown ups who need guidance to get through this day!

We have a heavenly Father, you know? Are the communication lines open between you and our Lord today? I have to admit things to Him every day it seems. There isn't a day that I don't make some kind of mistake and I have to tell him I didn't mean to do whatever I did.

"I wish I hadn't done that Father!"

"I want to do better next time Father!"

"Help me to learn how not to make this mistake again Father!"

Let's look at a passage today that tells us what we need to do and why in order to receive the things we need from our Father in heaven and not only that, but to be in Him and His Spirit to dwell in us.

It's called relationship! We will be able to relate to each other like never before when we do what this passage says! God is all about relationship as He tells us that we will become brothers of Jesus and become His child when we accept Him!

Let's read,

1John 3:22-24
22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

Are we doing those things that are pleasing in His sight?

Do we truly believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ?

Do we really love one another as he commanded us to?

If so, we dwell in Him and He in us!

We know it by the Spirit that He gave us.

How's your Spirit today? Do you know that God is there? Can you come to our Father and ask for your needs to be met or for guidance and support today? If you feel like you cannot face Him, don't let your heart condemn you! Come to Him and admit your mistakes; he already knows about it! He just wants to hear it from you and He wants you to regain your confidence so that you will come to Him and He can give you what you need!

1John 3:20-21
20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

I have a had times when my child has independently made choices against my will. I want to share with her all that I have learned and I want to be a part of her life! Why? Because I love her!

It grieves me that she is trying to tough it out on her own! I long to commune with her and guide her and help her with her needs! I want to have our father / daughter relationship and to see her do well. I have found that the only thing I can really do as a Father is to let her know that I love her and to wait patiently for her to come to me with a desire for me to help her. My children may feel condemned or guilty for the bad decisions, but they shouldn't because the love of God is much greater than anything they could have done and God knows all things.

I talk with my Lord every time I think of them. I know that God wants to bring them into communion with Himself and that is when their communication with me will be open and ready to accept the guidance and love I offer them.

Let's pray,

Our Father, I come to you today with confidence that you love me; that you dwell in my spirit and that I am welcome to receive your guidance and infinite blessings. You are an infinite God! Your grace and mercy is more than I could ever deserve, but you loved us first before we ever existed on this earth. I ask you Lord to protect me from evil; to keep me from temptations that would try to come between us and break down the communication that I want to have with you. I need your help and your guidance so I ask for this and for the Holy Spirit to empower my life and all those who will receive this message of hope in love as you have given me and I give my children. Amen.

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