Monday, November 12, 2012


Have you ever fought a loosing battle?
There are millions of Americans who are without jobs and the Senate passed and announced a couple of years ago that the unemployment compensation would be cut off for anyone who had been unemployed for six months or longer; leaving many families without any source of income.

Think about how the layoff of thousands of fathers has impacted the lives of everyone, even the single mothers who are raising their children alone and depend on that child support to provide proper care for their children. Think about the businesses that no longer receive business from  thousands of families who are now without any income whatsoever! It's a fearful time for most Americans today!
 Yes, things are looking hopeless and even the wealthy are fearful for their families and their own survival. Couldn't we relate in some ways to the feelings that Judah was going through in chapter 20 of  2Chronicles before they began to fast and pray? I think so!

Maybe you or someone you know seem to be fighting what looks like a losing battle with employment, an illness, a physical recovery, an addiction, disease or emotional abuse of some kind. Those are the kind of battles that we must trust God to win! Those are the battles man cannot fight on his own!

Let me tell you something encouraging now, my brothers, sisters and friends! Let me show you how Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah won the war that was IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN! Let's look at another passage a little further down when the Spirit of the LORD spoke to Jahaziel a Levite, in the middle of the congregation of Judah. Let's see what Jahaziel said;

2Chronicles 20:15 And he said, Hearken you, all Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you king Jehoshaphat, Thus says the LORD to you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.

He said not to be afraid or dismayed because of what you see when you look at your circumstances! Isn't that just how we feel too sometimes? Why did he say this?

He told them that the battle ahead wasn't going to be their battle to fight, but God's!

Your fight to survive illness, injury, loss of job, your financial struggles, your clothing and home are not yours to battle for in the time of hopelessness! You may think it is and you may fight and struggle until you are sick and exhausted and in tears, but the LORD will fight this battle for you if you will follow the recorded demonstration found here. Look at what all of the cities of Judah did thousands of years ago when they made the right choice.

They didn't even raise their hands to fight this battle and they not only won; they went home with treasures that they didn't have before? Isn't that just like our LORD to fight our impossible battles and send us home with something more than we had before? I have personally seen God's hand at work so many times when it seemed like there was no way to win! I know that the LORD will do the same for ANYBODY that turns to HIM! I know he will hear our prayers and attend to our fasting when we are experiencing pain, hunger and see no possibility of winning. Put your trust in the LORD!

Don't be afraid; for the battle is not yours, but God's!

In the next chapter we will look at what the families of Judah were expected to do when the enemy was upon them and how the LORD rewarded their prayer, fasting and obedience.

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