Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Like Father, Like Son"

"My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For who the LORD loves he corrects; even as a father corrects the son that brings him delight." Proverbs3:11-12

This passage was treasured and preserved of the writings of King Solomon. I wondered as I read these words if, indeed Solomon was writing this for his son. Such a message of guidance would have been long remembered, especially if it was delivered following a time of fatherly correction in his son's life. What was it that was most important though for his son to remember?

The chastening of the LORD will come and His never failing correction will happen in a man's life as he is maturing and learning to be the man God had intended. It was the attitude that Solomon was addressing in this record of his writings. "Don't get angry and hate or despise the LORD's correction and chastening", but "Why not?" his son may have asked. "My son, if the LORD corrects you it's because He loves you just like I love you and am proud when you choose to do what is right!"

How powerful a message is that to our sons and daughters! But in this day that we live in the counselors, advisers and specialists are afraid to use this wisdom because it is all too rooted in the principals and teachings of the Bible. Instead the child is left to figure it out for themselves without any kind of role model or correction in the home. Modern psychology says to leave them alone so they can have their space or else they may become rebels or even run away. My response to this teaching would be, "How is that working out for you?". I admit, even I followed some of those professional words of wisdom found through counseling and school. And yes, I experienced the results first hand of this world view in my personal life with one of my children. If you have been there yourself to see the anger and hurt in the eyes of your child after following this advice, you know how little delight there is in this kind of relationship. I'm sharing this with parents now because it literally took years to find the truth and wisdom from God's word that gave me the answer to having a delightful child.

But first and foremost, the LORD chastised and corrected me, His son. He helped me to change my attitude of anger and despising correction when it was necessary. As I remember going through this process, it was knowing that He loved me and gave Himself for me that kept me coming back for more of His wisdom. Our children will do the same as we teach them and correct them when they need it, teaching them about the patience and love of our LORD through our own actions. Actions speak louder than words!

There is only one verse in the entire Bible where you will find the words "son" and "delight" mentioned together, but in this one and only verse containing these two words there is another of critical importance; the word "correct". Receive these wise words and lay aside the influence of our modern day thinking; as the media has been calling it lately, "the new norm". Beware my brothers and sisters, even Jesus warns us of the "new" world views that water down the words of Jesus found in the original scriptures.

"Correct your son, and he will give you rest; 
yes, he will give delight to your soul." Proverbs29:17


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