Saturday, September 15, 2012



I have spent time over the past few weeks enjoying dvds that I just randomly chose from our church library. They were movies about men that I knew little about, so I decided to watch them and learn. As I began to watch these movies one by one, God began to show me that the movies that I had chosen were not just random choices at all. Every movie that I had chosen gave thorough detail of men who had devoted their life to making a difference in the world. Not just part time or on holidays, but literally full time commitment to reaching a lost and hurting world with the truth and hope for a better life.

In the past week as I was talking with my most confident friend, I shared my inner most feelings about the things I had seen and how it made me feel. I have to say openly that I felt as though I had done so little for others in comparison. My life has been mostly devoted to the building of my own security and gain up to about two years ago. God got a hold of my heart and allowed me to see how uncaring the world and the church in general could be to those in desperate need. God showed me this by allowing me to experience what life felt like on the other side of the fence where the grass doesn't even grow and the rivers are dried up. Through the valley of disappointing experiences where I shared my need with others and received only a pat on the back or a promise to pray, I began to see what God wanted to reveal to me. Every one of the people who didn't respond to help with my or my families need for food, shelter, medicine, comfort and compassion reminded me of myself! That's right!  That is exactly how I acted for many years when anybody else shared their needs with me. When it finally sunk in that what I was experiencing was the same way I had treated others for so long, I got down on my knees and cried out to God for forgiveness.

From that moment forward, whenever I saw other people turn and walk away from a person in need of help or encouragement, my God would emphatically remind me, "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT!", "DON'T LET THAT PERSON CRY OUT TO ME WHEN I HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO GIVE, ENCOURAGE OR PRAY WITH THEM!".

Since then, I have had the blessing of helping and encouraging others who are going through a crisis or spiritual battle in their personal life, but my actions haven't even scratched the surface of what God can do when I, like those men who surrendered themselves totally to His service in this world, do just that!

God wants me to give all I have to His service on this earth and for His glory on earth as it is in heaven. Our reward is promised in heaven if we don't make our treasure on earth.

 God has his own way of showing us the way we should go and the things we should do, but we all have a commission by Jesus to spread the word and care for the hurting. Some will be able to buy the seed, some will plant it, others will water it and a few will go out and harvest it. Jesus knew that the word was already out there when he told his disciples that the fields were ready for harvest. That's why he also said that the world will know his disciples by their love for each other.

What can I say today that would cause my brothers in Christ to show love, except to check your hearts and see if there really is love enough to make a difference. I would exhort you to really seek God to be used to make a difference and God will reveal His will to you. When He does, as Nike urged the world for years, "JUST DO IT!" Here is a short video of a man who has done just that. His movie is available at Redbox called "Machine Gun Preacher". You may not with all of his ways , but God said, "your ways are not my ways". What will You do?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Like Father, Like Son"

"My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For who the LORD loves he corrects; even as a father corrects the son that brings him delight." Proverbs3:11-12

This passage was treasured and preserved of the writings of King Solomon. I wondered as I read these words if, indeed Solomon was writing this for his son. Such a message of guidance would have been long remembered, especially if it was delivered following a time of fatherly correction in his son's life. What was it that was most important though for his son to remember?

The chastening of the LORD will come and His never failing correction will happen in a man's life as he is maturing and learning to be the man God had intended. It was the attitude that Solomon was addressing in this record of his writings. "Don't get angry and hate or despise the LORD's correction and chastening", but "Why not?" his son may have asked. "My son, if the LORD corrects you it's because He loves you just like I love you and am proud when you choose to do what is right!"

How powerful a message is that to our sons and daughters! But in this day that we live in the counselors, advisers and specialists are afraid to use this wisdom because it is all too rooted in the principals and teachings of the Bible. Instead the child is left to figure it out for themselves without any kind of role model or correction in the home. Modern psychology says to leave them alone so they can have their space or else they may become rebels or even run away. My response to this teaching would be, "How is that working out for you?". I admit, even I followed some of those professional words of wisdom found through counseling and school. And yes, I experienced the results first hand of this world view in my personal life with one of my children. If you have been there yourself to see the anger and hurt in the eyes of your child after following this advice, you know how little delight there is in this kind of relationship. I'm sharing this with parents now because it literally took years to find the truth and wisdom from God's word that gave me the answer to having a delightful child.

But first and foremost, the LORD chastised and corrected me, His son. He helped me to change my attitude of anger and despising correction when it was necessary. As I remember going through this process, it was knowing that He loved me and gave Himself for me that kept me coming back for more of His wisdom. Our children will do the same as we teach them and correct them when they need it, teaching them about the patience and love of our LORD through our own actions. Actions speak louder than words!

There is only one verse in the entire Bible where you will find the words "son" and "delight" mentioned together, but in this one and only verse containing these two words there is another of critical importance; the word "correct". Receive these wise words and lay aside the influence of our modern day thinking; as the media has been calling it lately, "the new norm". Beware my brothers and sisters, even Jesus warns us of the "new" world views that water down the words of Jesus found in the original scriptures.

"Correct your son, and he will give you rest; 
yes, he will give delight to your soul." Proverbs29:17
