Monday, July 19, 2010

"Your Faith Gives You Testimony"

By Rob Bailes

While reading about the blind man who was healed in chapter nine of John, it occurred to me that there was much more of a message in this passage than we see at first. After asking God to reveal to me through His Holy Spirit the message that He meant for the Jews and His disciples on that wintry day. In the very next chapter in verse twenty-two we find that it was time for the feast of the dedication in Jerusalem which was held in the winter. Let's look at the sequence of events that took place on this day as the leaves were falling and Jesus had just left the temple as the Jews were picking up stones to throw at him. That's right! Jesus had just told them that they would be able to avoid death if they would hear and receive his words. Then he told them that Abraham looked forward to his coming. That really baffled the Jews and they said that Abraham couldn't have known Jesus because Jesus wasn't even fifty years old. I take that to mean that Abraham had been dead for fifty years. Then Jesus told them, verily, verily, before Abraham was, I AM. The literal Greek says, "Amen, Amen, lego humen, Prin Abraam ginomai, Ego eimi." Amen here means "Surely, surely!"

Surely, surely, I tell to you, Before Abraham was, I am."

That really played with their heads because the Jews didn't want to receive the truth that Jesus spoke, nor did they believe in him. As a matter of fact, they got so upset at him that they were about to stone him!

Isn't that how just upset people get sometimes when another person tells them something that they disagree with? What do you think caused them to feel this way?

That is what we are going to find out in this study over the next few days. Let's begin with looking at what happens when Jesus walks right through the middle of those people who wanted to stone him.

John 8:59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Jesus made himself hidden in their eyes and walked out right through the middle of the temple and passed through the crowd! This is just the beginning of what Jesus is to teach them and his disciples on that day about their blindness and the amazing sight that only comes from believing in our Lord and Savior Jesus.

At the beginning of chapter nine we see that as Jesus passed by the people who were going to stone him, he saw a man that was blind from the time of his birth. It was also fascinating that the disciples of Jesus were so close to him that they asked Jesus who had sinned, that man or his parents? Before we go any further, remember that Jesus was hidden from the sight of those who wanted to stone him and yet the disciples were able to see him! That is crucial to something we will find as we move through this lesson. The disciples were also able to speak to Jesus even though the others couldn't even see him passing by them. Next we see that Jesus answered the disciples in verse three,
Jesus answered, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

I want us to think about the blind man, sitting helpless ever since he was born, not able to care for himself or anyone else as far as that goes. I can't help but think about how many times we may see someone who is helpless and who has been for many years and have thought about why they are in the situation that they are in and have not felt pity for them or compassion for their heart and soul. I raise my hand first to admit this terrible mistake of having a judgmental attitude. I have found fault with those who are suffering physically or financially to justify my lack of action in reaching out to help them. It is so easy to look for something from their past to smother that first feeling of compassion that comes from God for others. That first love is pushed aside and the pride and judgement moves in to relieve me from any necessity of taking action and disturbing my well planned day or from reaching into my pocket to give of the things that give me a false sense of security. So I have a choice; do I find fault or do I find a way to do whatever God is telling me to do deep within the core of my being. That first nudge to take a step or to reach out my hand and do something that I know only my Lord would cause me to do in the first place, but I look at the outward appearance and withdraw my hand. It's so sad, but it's so true.

We are much like the Jews and the Pharisees of the days when Jesus walked the earth. We have looked at the crippled, the blind, the terminally ill, the alcoholic and drug addict, the mentally disabled and those who have found themselves without work, income or a place to live and we have found reason in our hearts for their pain and suffering. We found the fault in their life and we said in our hearts, "They are cursed or punished by God, therefore I will just stand clear of that person and let God deal with them!". I regret every time that I have ever done this, but I never regret reaching out to help someone, no matter how they respond or how many times I have to do it!

This is what Jesus was saying to His disciples in verses three and four,
3. Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
4. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

Think about the condition of mankind and how we are all under the condemnation of sin, from the very moment that we are conceived and born into this world. We are the blind man from birth! We have not been able to see what Jesus has done for us; that is, until Jesus comes to us and covers us with the anointing of His power to save us and forgive us of our unrighteousness. You see, my friend, your parent's sin and your past sin will not matter when Jesus offers you the cure to your blindness. It is the repentant heart that causes us to confess with our mouth and call out for the mercy and healing grace of God while believing in His Son, Jesus, that will give anybody the testimony that this young man had to share that day!

Jesus is going to work the works of His Father that sent him to earth! Jesus still comes to each of us today offering us the Light in a world where the night has come. Jesus was speaking of his death when he said the night is approaching, but praise God He brought us His Light and we can carry it within us as we claim what Jesus said in verse five today!

John 9:5 "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

We will continue this message tomorrow and we will learn more about the testimony of faith. But for today, let's embrace the truth that Jesus has opened our eyes to the light and praise him for his loving grace and mercy that never ceases!

If you have joined us today and this is all new to you, let us take you step by step through the Word so that you can see the love, grace and mercy and forgiveness of God. Confess your past and sins today, believe in your heart that God has raised up Jesus from the dead and you will receive Life! You will be saved!

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