Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who's Following Who?

By Rob Bailes

I'm sure we all remember at least once in our lives as a child playing the game "Follow The Leader". No matter where the leader went, we had to follow. I also remember having to do whatever the leader did and sometimes it was pretty ridiculous!

As we get older we don't really follow one person around all day trying to act like they do, but we do meet people who come our way that we may pattern our lives after. Some may be at home or work. Some of them may be on tv or touring the country performing before large audiences. Think about the people that you choose to be like. Think about it and realize that you are actually a follower. They have been leading you whether they meant to or not! Now look back over your shoulder and take notice of who may be acting like you and watching every step you take.

It could be your son or daughter. It might be your friend or maybe even your boss at work! You never know who is going to be watching you and wanting to pattern their life after yours. Somehow you have impressed them and they have found that something about you has made a lasting impact on their lives. Maybe it was when you reach out to help someone else and they were watching. Maybe it was when you were whistling when you should have been complaining. It could have been the time that you offered them something to eat when they forgot their lunch. It's the small things that can impact lives even more than the great things we may accomplish in life.

Paul tells the Corinthians that they are followers of his example, as he also is a follower of Christ. Paul had many followers but he had chosen to follow Christ in order to lead these people in the right direction. I would love to be able to say this about my life! The only way that Paul could do this was to stay close to and study the one that he followed, Jesus Christ.

Who are we following today? Who is following you? You may not know what you did to impress this person, but I can assure you that they are watching you now!

Paul also also said that he built his life on a firm and strong foundation in Jesus Christ, take heed, be careful what you build upon this foundation! Why? Because you are not just shaping your life for eternity or on this earth, You are shaping all who follow you too!

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