Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Hope Beyond Your Suffering"

Written by Rob Bailes

Hope That Rises Above Oppression

There was a letter written once that was encouraging a large group of people that had been ran off of their land, out of their homes and separated from their friends and families. You probably think I am talking about the Jews that were persecuted and killed by the Nazi army, but the letter I am referring to was long before this time.

I am referring to a letter written by Peter to the people that are called aliens, who were scattered throughout Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. They were people who were not just homeless and who had lost everything they had in the world but they were also people who were chosen according to the preexistant knowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit. In IPeter 1:1-2 Peter addresses these aliens and makes it known to us today by his address that they were chosen to be sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ.

You see, Peter reminded them also in this greeting that the grace and peace of God may be theirs in fullest measure. I would say that would mean filled up and over flowing. It's hard for us to feel that way when we have been stripped of our possessions and lost the only place we called home; isn't it?

I see many aliens wondering the streets and sidewalks of our cities today all across America! People who have been displaced from their jobs, their relationships, their families, their possessions and suffering in some form or another. Well, Peter understood this and that is why he mentions the word suffering fifteen times in his letter and he used eight different Greek words to do so. Was his message about "Good Times"? Was Peter trying to get a message out to the "Blessed" of the church and the world? No, Peter was writing with compassion to a people who were beginning to suffer the persecution of the true believer in his time.

In chapter thirteen of Revelations we see a time spoken of that may be in the future of the life of those who are on the earth today. Many of the signs that the Bible speaks of are now taking place that represent a time of tribulation that is prophesied. In this chapter there is a time coming when those who do not follow the rule of the church and the government will become as aliens in their own land. This chapter talks about the rule over the people and the deception of false miracles by the use of a spirit that is not of God, but rather of satan. How can one maintain hope during a time such as this? It comes to life when we see the potential of actually experiencing this in our own lives, doesn't it?

While most of us are not afflicted by horrible persecution for our faith, we do know what it means to face various forms of suffering, pain, disappointment, and grief. Fortunately in the letter of IPeter we can find comfort and consolation for our own brand of suffering. As this treasured letter spoke to the believers in Pontius or Galatia or Cappadocia or Asia, so it speaks to us in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas and Maine. It applies to us all, no matter what state you are in.

Yes, the good news is that you are "chosen by God". You aren't just thrown onto the earth like dice tossed across a table! We are lovingly and by His sovereignty placed here for a purpose, having been chosen by God.

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