Thursday, February 10, 2011


Posted on February 6, 2011 @ ("heart for the home" page)

How in the world can we be fruitful in a barren world?

Fruitful parenting comes with consistently loving, teaching and living according to the core values that we know in our heart to be true and right before God. As we find in the first few verses written by David in the book of Psalms, where he describes a tree that is planted by the rivers of water; he begins to tell us all about the man or woman that is blessed. Then David tells us in the second verse about the thing that makes this person happy and how he never ceases to meditate on this all through the day. He even says that it's on their minds all night! Let's look at David's message to us all in the first chapter of Psalms;

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth(abiding) in the way(course of life) of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat(spend time abiding with) of the scornful(one who mocks or scoffs). 2 But his delight(valuable thing) is in the law(precepts) of the LORD; and in his law(in His precepts) doth he meditate(they ponder) day and night." ~ Psalms 1:1-2

David was talking about the core values of a man or woman who was blessed by God. This blessed man or woman that he spoke of here wouldn't entertain the idea of receiving counsel from an ungodly person about anything that had to do with his heart, mind or soul. Neither would they find themselves following after or abiding in the sinful course of life. This describes the people we meet or maybe even some of our friends who would tempt us to join with them in fulfilling the desires of the flesh for a short season. Beware my brothers and sisters where you find yourself abiding, not only in the day, but in the nighttime too! This is exactly why it's so important; as the great Psalmist begins this awesome book of songs with divine guidance from his God Almighty to meditate day and night on the Word of God. Then David tells us that this blessed man or woman doesn't spend their time abiding with those assemblies, populations or in the dwellings of those who have become scorners or mockers of who? Mockers of the man who's core values are found in the LORD.
Oh no, the blessed man or woman will not find themselves in any of those places, but rather in the precepts of the LORD! I don't know for sure about you, but I have felt that some of the laws that we have been forced to live by in the U.S. have been unacceptable. Yet we are made to follow them, even though they may violate our core values as holy children of Christ. For example, the liquor laws, the abortion laws, the laws about open pornography and nudity on TV as well as the internet. What about the laws protecting the rights of the criminal who repeatedly chooses to abuse the minds of other adults and helpless children? Then there's the laws that affect what can and cannot be mentioned in the schools, government facilities and clinics of OUR LAND! All of these are precepts made by and for our country to follow and if you don't respect and abide by them, you'll be punished under the law. Are these laws productive or are they destructive? Does the LORD GOD Almighty look upon our land with joy or are His eyes filled with tears today?

THANK GOD that His precepts will never bring a parent or child harm. God's laws will never bring shame and reproach to the population of the blessed! I have a leader and LORD who gives me laws(precepts) that bring value to my home, my life and the lives of my children!

Now that we have taken time to ponder this vital introduction to the book of Psalms; we see David's inspiration to write concerning the importance of where we place our core values and learn how to welcome God's blessings into our dwellings as parents. Couples, single moms and dads, separated parents and widows, we can all learn from David's message today; pondering the precepts of God; receiving the blessed life and every parent has the equal opportunity to pass this lesson and blessing on to our children too! Our fruitfulness as a mom or dad must begin in our hearts and in our home as we hold to our core values and see our children doing the same!

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it (His desires) to pass." ~Psalms 37:4-5

*Literal translations from Strong's Hebrew & Greek Dictionary in parenthesis (*)